The Best Way To Identify Termite Damage

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Termite cause over $5 billion in property damage every year. An interesting fact: Homeowners are five times as much more have their homes damaged by termites than by fire. Early detection may be the key to preventing severe damage and costly repairs to your home.

What are the signs of termite damage:

1.Mudtubes along interior and exterior walls, doors, and windows might point to an existing termite infestation
2.Damage to interior wood, which may resemble water exploitation.
3.Swollen floors and buckling wood
4.Hollow sounding wood

What breath analyzer do? Termites never cease eating and are active each day a day, 7 days a helpless. If a homeowner believes a termite infestation might be present, you need to to present a consultant. A termite professional will conduct a wide-ranging investigation of both the medial side and exterior of your space. If active termites are found, the homeowner has got a number of options for treatment. Stay tuned for next week’s blog on termite treatment options.

Don't hesitate to get in touch today prone to have any questions, or maybe if you are involved you may well termite breakdown.

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