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Tues. - 7:00pm - MATH 175

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Cover Indiana

2008 Cover Indiana Bike Tour - May 11-17

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Click here to download the 2007-2008 Membership Form.

Not sure what to do with it now? It's simple! Print it, fill it out, and bring it to a meeting along with the $20 annual dues. Now you're all set to start building!


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In addition to our website check out and join our Facebook Group.

How do I join?

Any student can become a member by completing the membership form and paying a $20/year fee which is used for site donation, food, and transportation. The membership fee covers the entire academic year and enables a member to go on weekend construction trips, spring break trips, and many other exciting events throughout the year. Pickup one of our membership forms, or print it here, and bring it with your $20 to one of our meetings, hand to any officer, or to our office in Stewart Center G22B during office hours and you're ready to go.