Purdue University Mark

Purdue University

Dr. Richard Voyles' Gesture-Based Commanding

Gesture-Based Commanding

Gesture Interpretation for Cable Harness Routing

First, the path is demonstrated by the user. The path is extracted by observing "motion gestures." The system is not just memorizing the exact path the human takes, but is extracting "significant" via points along the way.

The robot practices the path above the pegs, to avoid potential collisions. Even if it memorized the human's path exactly, the robot might collide because it sweeps out a different volume than the human's hand.

Motion Gesture Robot Practice

"Nudge gestures" are used to fine-tune the trajectory shape as the robot "practices" what it has observed. In a limited way, this is like supervised practice in human-to-human training.

Once the human is satisfied with the robot's performance, it is allowed to route wires.

Nudge Gesture Robotic routing

"Symbolic gestures" are used to implement a "menu" to call up stored paths.

Symbolic Gesture Robotic Routing

Copyright: © 1999-2014 by Richard Voyles

rvoyles [at] purdue [dot] edu

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600