Our Story

The Purdue Impact Theory provides a niche for rising scientists to communicate to the public what science means to them. We care most about communicating what scientists do; who they are; how scientific discovery works; what applications science has in the world; and most importantly, how we all can engage with science throughout our lives.

Our projects reflect our members’ diverse interests. These include on-campus events, community outreach activities, college curriculum proposals, high school educator networking, high school student outreach, online resources for educators and students, and YouTube video series.

The Origin


The idea for PIT started between friends at Purdue University who were brainstorming how to curb misperceptions in physics, math, biology, and eventually other sciences. When they decided to officially bring a student perspective in science outreach and education, the group was born - but not before deciding on its name!


Shortly after PIT’s formation in the fall of 2017, work had already begun on projects in college curriculum and community outreach. As students, faculty, administrators, and high school educators began to join the group’s mission, the diversity of PIT projects skyrocketed with members pursuing individual interests from across nearly all science backgrounds at Purdue.

Becoming official

A year into PIT’s endeavors, the group evolved into an outlet for rising scientists to find their niche in communicating science. Projects expanded past college curriculum and community outreach to include on-campus events, high school educator networking, high school science curriculum, online educator resources, and the beginnings of YouTube video series.

Moving forward

PIT embraces the idea of not having a clear roadmap to success. Challenging how the world views science has been no easy task for us, but every step of the way has been well worth the effort.