Webinar Series

This visualization webinar series is designed to provide an introduction to data visualization. The webinar series begins at the core, with exploring the value of data. Data dictates what tools are used for uncovering insight. The next step is to understand the data visualization process. This 4-day webinar series introduces information visualization and scientific visualization as a first step towards more advanced interest in buliding data visualization capacity. The series ends with a visualization hackathon: bring your own data for a visualization consultation.

Who Should Attend
We seek participation from undergraduate and graduate students, and postdocs of all backgrounds, majors, academic domains and any persons with an interest in data visualization . No pre-requisites are necessary to participate and thrive in this visualization webinar.

Interested in taking the first step towards becoming an "Agent of Insight?"
Register below.


Webinar sessions will be held 1PM - 3 PM (CST)/2PM - 4PM (EST)

Pre-webinar prep: Monday July 20, 2020
  • Downloads and Installations.
    Skill level: Beginner
    Assistance with downloading and installing webinar series software on local PCs and laptops
Day 1: Tuesday July 21, 2020
  • Introduction to Data Visualization and the Ubiquitous Nature of Data.
    Skill level: Beginner
    Examine what data looks like, define data visualization, illustrate how data visualization can improve understanding of the story within the data and outline the data visualization process. Explore different data visualization paths and preview content for the 4-day webinar sessions.
Day 2: Wednesday July 22, 2020
  • You've Got Data Now What?
  • A Tour through the visualization zoo
  • Skill level: Beginner/Intermediate
    Introduction to Information Visualization. Introduce common design principles for data visualizatio and tools participants can use to mine and create data visualizations.
Day 3: Thursday July 23, 2020
  • Introduction to Scientific Visualization
    Skill level: Intermediate/Advanced
    Introduction to the scientific visualization process. Participants will apply principles of data scientific visualization using sample data sets (provided).
Day 4: Friday July 24, 2020
  • Pulling it all together
  • Visualization Hackathon
    Skill level: Advanced
    Participants are encouaged to bring their own data to the final webinar session and apply skills learned during the webinar series.


Participants must register and complete all registration questions.


Computing Environment

Tell us about your computing Environment. You MUST use the same email address provided during registration.

About the Webinar Series

The visualization webinar series is designed to provide introductions to data visualization, information visualization and scientific visualization. Participants are strongly encourgaed to attend all sessions; however, each session is designed as a stand-alone webinar. Participants may choose which sessions they plan to attend. Registration is required. The last webinar (hackathon) is allocated to Visualization Consultations. You've worked hard and you've got questions related to your own data. Bring your data to the webinar session and work with a visualization consultant.
Priority will be given to persons who commit to participating in the webinar series in its entirety.


Ritu Arora
Assistant Vice President of Research Computing
University of Texas at San Antonio

Brent League
Director of Research Computing Support
University of Texas at San Antonio

Dr. Vetria Byrd
Assistant Professor
Byrd Data Visualization Lab, Director
Purdue University