Monday, January 17, 2005

new media examples

Since most of my life is spent in front of a screen, I thought I'd pass along a link or two of interesting new media:

Rockstar Upload

Sonja Peng's Superelectronic is my personal recomendation (make sure you have speakers). The fusion of artisitc styles and internet tropes is interesting.

Another worthwhile interent artifact is NO CIRCLES:


Both versions are basically games, although they are without explicit instructions or goals. Thus, the "purpose" of the game is uncovering how to interact with it. This is a concept I explore in my own work, and something manipulated to a great degree in instances such as this one:

Non-Competetive Super Mario Brothers

Word up.
- J. Tirrell


gvcarter said...

I find the sense of "most of my life is spent in front of a screen" quite interesting. In some ways, if pushed somewhat further, I wonder if we could say "life is but a screen"?

For now, I should say that I am interested in considering two such screenings: Kenneth Burke discusses Terministic Screens. Gilles Deleuze White Screens and Black Holes.

These are two different senses of screens, and one could spend a good deal of time un-packing the nuances across any number of issues, including --of course-- cinema.

Burke, for example, does not discuss cinema to the same extend Deleuze does. ...Still, one could say that Burke is influential in some circles in terms of how one might discuss the rhetoric of a given film.

Deleuze, in devoting a number of books/interviews, to film, of course, receives a good deal of more focused extension and criticism as examples and application begin to proliferate. (Hansen, who we will check out later, is an example of someone who critiques D, whereas Brian Massumi --particularly his _Parables for the Virtual_ is someone who might be said to extend him.)

There are other senses of the 'screen' too, of course. Leaving conceptual persona as Burke and Deleuze aside, for example, we might think of where screens appear: computer monitors, for sure... in the process of silk screening, yes... and in the creek-side machinery of some forgotten California mining operation...

Can one even consider the California Gold Rush without the sense of screens? :-)

Anyway, there's much to screen and filter and frame in saying all this, but then let's not forget what can sometimes be the most fun a screen can have...

Movie Trailers!

8:21 AM


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