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Petrônio Bendito
Office # 753-6916

NIU Home
School of Art

Observing Nature/Color Scheme- Activity 13

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Two Important Tips:
1. Make sure that when you select your color scheme you pick colors from the right tonal family (bright, subdued, or dull).

2. Make sure the sample from nature is well illuminated. Do not put the sample against the computer monitor. If you do so, the colors will look darker. The best way to "observe" and create an identical color scheme is to place the sample on your desk -- and trust your eyes!



Objective: To learn to create color schemes based on nature, taking into consideration blending structures*.

Instructor's Note:
* "Blending structures" refers to how different colors gradually change from one to the other. For example, going from red to yellow we will find various gradations of orange. We can observe that in nature color gradations can be very subtle. Besides gradual changes in hue, we can also see gradations in value and chroma.

Activity Outline

1. Pick a sample from nature (leaf, flower, bark, grass, etc..,)

2. Observe its color gradation (take into consideration hue, value and chroma gradations)

3. Identify main colors in the sample and make a color scheme in the Bauhaus Software with 5 to 8 colors, at most. Keep in mind the gradual changes in hue, value, and chroma and their blending structures. Write down the PN of your final color scheme.

4. Design 1: Using the Bauhaus softcanvas create a composition that resembles the color structure as seen in nature. Your composition should have the same color scheme and the same color proportion and sequence as the sample collected from nature.


5. Design 2: Now, use the color scheme to create a entirely brand-new composition. For this one, you do not have to follow the color sequence and proportion as shown in the sample you collected. Try to come up with your own way to use this color scheme.

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Submission and Documentation Checklist

Picture of Nature Sample:
Take a picture of the sample you collected from nature and label as in the example below:


Design 1:

Design 2:

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