Petrônio Bendito
Office # 753-6916

RGB Gallery

Project #8 A- Manipulation of Value and Chroma

Description: Create a composition using the RGB Cube Gray Scale --including black (N 0) to white N10). Recreate the same composition using different hues (or a single hue) while keeping the same value structure.

Sam M -Color 302.

Man Preet - Color design

Kortney D . - Color Design


Nanette F - Color Design

Project #8 B: Manipulation of Hue and Chroma

Description: Create a composition using colors of different hues that share the same chroma and value. Recreate the same composition and add a new color with the same chroma and a different value (You may choose to replace one of the colors instead).


Kathy B - Color Design.

ART 302 - Course On-line Resources
Northern Illinois University/Summer 2000

2000 © P. Bendito. All Rights Reserved.