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Petrônio Bendito
Office # 753-6916

NIU Home
School of Art

Observing Designs/Color Scheme- Activity 15

Objective: To explore "by doing" the various approaches of color coordination as advocated by color theorists.

Project Description
You will read and summarize a given handout. You will write a paper (Microsoft word) with your summary and will include, at least, one example created in the B@auhaus softcanvas for each color formula. The instructor will demonstrate how to copy and paste your compositions/examples into a word document.

Activity Outline

1. Read the handout and outline the main ideas
2. Summarize each color coordination formula in your own words.
3. Create one composition for each color coordination in the B@uhaus Sofcanvas; Save your file as gif and label it as outlined below.
4. Write your paper and include your compositions as examples.
5. Print your final paper. If, you have access to a color printer, print your project in color.

Submission and Documentation Checklist

1. Printed copy of your paper
2. Electronic copy of your paper (i.e. JoeL_Anheim.doc)
3. Electronic individual compositions labeled as following: TBA
4. Real World Examples labeled with your name

Supporting Tools










Concurrent Activities

Discussion Board: Check the discussion board for project's asynchronous discussion. 1. By Thursday raise an issue related to the color formulas and post it online

2. By Sunday, comment on a posted issue(s). Feel free to comment on someone else's comments.

3. Moday, review the posted comments. There will be a classroom discussion based on your comments.

Real World Examples: Find examples in magazines, books or websites that illustrate at least three color coordination principles. Scan your examples or make a snapshot of it (web sites only).

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