Petrônio Bendito
Office # 753-6916

RGB Cube Visualization - Activity 3
Six Plates based on the CLUT

Figure 4: Activity Plate 3.

Figure 5: Activity Plate 3A.

Objective: Based on the slide-tray view of the RGB Color Cube, create 4 predetermined side-views of the RGB Color Cube and an illustration of its exterior (3D representation).

Supporting Tools

Activity Outline

  1. Watch animation
  2. Read infographics #3A, #3B and #3C Procedures Description
  3. Open activity plate in Flash
  4. Build plates
  5. Save file

Supplemental Activity

Activity Plate 3-A: Based on the palettes you just created colorize the blank Cubes in Activity Plate 3-A.. At this point you should be able to have a good understanding of the outside colors of the RGB Color Cube! Mentally rotate the cube so you have two views, one with black at the center, the other one with white.

Question: Where are the brightest red, green and blue located in the RGB Color Cube? Why?

Submission Checklist

  • File saved as
  • File labeled as following:
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