Petrônio Bendito
Office # 753-6916

RGB Cube Visualization - Activity 6
Six Plates based on the CLUT

Figure 9: Activity Plate 6.


Figure 10: Activity Plate 6-A.

Objective: Create an additive color wheel based on the RGB Color Cube.

Supporting Tools

Activity Outline

  1. Watch animation
  2. Open activity plate in Photoshop
  3. Use eye dropper and bucket to pick and drop color from the cube into the color wheel. Follow the same order as seen in the cube.
  4. Save file

Instructor's Tips
Read The Munsell Color System, Chapter 6, to become familiar with different approaches to the definition of primary and secondary colors. Notice that Red, Gree and Blue are the luminous primaries. Therefore, the primaries in your computer screen.

Supplemental Activity
Activity Plate 6-A: Based on the information you learned from the readings. Reconstruct the color diagrams showing the location of the primaries and secondaries in different approaches.

Submission Checklist

  • File saved as
  • File labeled as following:
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