Petrônio Bendito
Office # 753-6916

Color Palette Generation - Activity 8
Problem-Solving Activity

CLUT Palette

Sample Student Palette
1999/by Nancy Lazarz


Instructor's Tip: Refer to all of the plates you developed so far. How can you organize them in a way that it will make color selection based on the RGB Color Cube easier to find? There are no right or wrong answer. However, there are solutions that will make more sense than others.

The only requirement for this activity is that the color palette you are about to develop is structured logically from a perceptual stand point. The way it looks is totally up to you!

Color Palette Generation

Description: For this assignment, taking into consideration the possible arrangements of the RGB Color Cube, create a customized color palette that will help you to select color on the computer screen.

Background Info: As you can see by now, there are many different ways to organize the Macintosh System palette in visual structures that make digital color selection more logical.

How can you reorganize the web browser color lookup table (CLUT) in a way that it will help YOU to make better color selection on the computer screen?


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