Archive for the ‘Assignment: Found Object of Nature’ Category

Found Object of Nature

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

First Object of Nature:

I chose a sand dollar as my object of nature immediately when we were given this assignment. Every Memorial Day weekend my family takes a trip to Pismo Beach in California. There are always tons of sand dollars littered along the beach. It is the only place I’ve ever seen sand dollars just laying around, undisturbed in their natural habitat. At the end of each Memorial Day weekend, my family would have bagfuls of sand dollars that we then gave out to family and friends. Some of my fondest childhood memories have been at Pismo Beach, so when I am asked to think about nature, my automatic response is Pismo’s peaceful beach, covered in sand dollars.

Second Object of Nature:

This is a picture of an apple being genetically modified. GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) make me wonder about extent of human involvement in nature. A very controversial subject, GMOs hold many large risks and benefits for their consumers. The fact that people can and want to modify plants and crops to their own advantage shocks me.  When considering GMOs, the one thing that stands out in my mind is human’s need to always be in control. Even when it comes to nature, which man has never been able to fully control, he still tries to maintain power and stability.

My three questions:

What should be the limit on human involvement in nature? Why do people feel drawn to being in control of the world around them? Who will stand up for nature if man’s involvement goes too far?

Object of Nature Assignment

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009
clouds above a field

clouds above a field

Clouds seen from the vantage point of an airplane.  This is an example from a different view of why I find clouds so awe-inspiring.  (See below)

I don’t think I feel more inspired/optimistic/humbled/empowered as I do when I look at cloud formations like this one.  As inflated as it may sound, there is just something about a great sky of clouds that makes me giddy, makes me feel as though all of nature were working to make my day great in that particular moment.  I will, of course, discuss this more in class on Tuesday.

*My second object of nature is an article from Newsweek Magazine that I am bringing into class about global warming and the effects of carbon on plants in our environment despite our best efforts at buying hybrid cars and recycling.  The article discusses the various pros and cons of carbon emissions into the natural environment, and onto which dangerous roads excess carbon in the environment may lead us.  I’m oftentimes perplexed at the conflicting perspectives we get about the environment through the media.  This particular article seems to be especially bleak, and inspires me to ask the following questions (of which you will understand after seeing the article in class):

1. What is the effect of the media’s role in the race to perserve the environment?

2. How can it be possible to decrease our carbon emissions to the environment by 80% in the next 40 years?

3. How can we bring nature back into previously industrialized epicenters of our society?

Found Objects in Nature

Monday, September 7th, 2009

Wanderer Over a Sea of FogHuaxi City Center

Huaxi City CenterHuaxi City Center

Found Objects of Nature

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

Object 1

This is a picture of Blue Hole in Johnson City, Tennessee. This is meaningful to me because I visited it a few summers ago. I went with my sister and a few of her friends. While we were there we were going to jump into the hole via a rocky ledge that is hidden by the tree on the left side of the photo. Everyone but me jumped because I was too scared. This photo means a lot to me because not only does it show how something so simple as a waterfall can be breath taking, but also because it reminds me of my family. I was born in Johnson City, TN, and visiting it again showed me that you can always feel welcomed home even if you don’t remember living there. The place just seemed welcoming. The mountain air was fresh, soothing, and had a dampness to it due to the water being thrown back into the air because of the force of the waterfall. It seemed mystical due to it being set back from the path. It was secluded and felt as if it had never been touched by others, even though you could see otherwise (aka cigarette butts everywhere). 

Object 2

This is a picture of a redwood being cut down. This one makes me wonder why people like to destroy nature. This massive tree is being taken down because we want to, we want it gone, we want to control nature. I see nature as something that should be protected because it cannot protect itself and so that future generations can experience the same awe that we did.

The three question I have are: Do people feel the need to conquer nature just because they can? How much of nature should be protected? If we can live in harmony with nature, does that mean we will no longer harm it?

Found Object II

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

solar energy

Assignment: Found Object of Nature

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

UHP399 | Gardens & Machines | Fall 2009

ASSIGNMENT:  ‘Found Objects of Nature”
DUE:  8.September in class

I would like you to bring 2 found objects of nature to class on 8.September.  By found objects I mean: texts, photographs, advertisements, artworks (in the expanded sense, i.e. not only painting) or material objects.

Found Object 1:
This object should represent or indicate a personally meaningful idea or form of nature.  This object      should probably allow you to tell stories or describe experiences that are related to what nature means to you and the place it has or hasn’t had in your life thus far.

Found Object 2:
This found object should allow you to talk about – explain, describe—a form or idea of nature you are interested in understanding in more depth.  This object should fill your mind, and our discussion, with questions about nature.

Objects 1 and 2 might be closely related or they might be radically different.  Either case is fine.

What you need to do to prepare for discussion:
You should be prepared to talk about your objects for about 10 minutes:

1.  Object 1:  Explain what the object is and its connection to your personal understanding and experiences of nature.  What are the most important characteristics or features of this nature object or experience?  Why did you choose this object above all other possibilities?

2.  Object 2:  Again, explain what the object is.  How does this object differ, if at all, from your first object?  Why did you choose it?  Come up with a list of at least three questions that this object (or the combination of objects 1 & 2) inspires you to ask.

Where to look?
Everyday objects – cereal boxes, packaging in general
Scientific journals
Books/book covers
Walk through Lafayette or West Lafayette