Considerations for Oral Reports

As your team works on your oral reports for project 3, you should attend to both the form and content of your presentation. Your team should consider both the delivery and design of your report as well as the quality of your overview of the client and initial analysis of your field research.

Each team member must participate in the entire process of creating the presentation. Your drafting, revising, and delivery of the report should address the following considerations.

Your visuals should be projected from the instructional terminal. When preparing your visuals, keep the following in mind:

Polish & professionalism
Obviously, the presentation of oral reports is different from reports that include only written components, so your delivery should reflect a consideration of that difference. As you rehearse your delivery, consider the following.

Corporate Web Project Links:
Project Summary | Client Criteria | Client Research | Oral Report | Considerations for OR | Recommendation Report | Peer Response for Recommendation Report | Ethical Guidelines for Interviewing Clients

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