Midwest Soccer Tournament Fall 2013

Date: Sunday, October 6th*.
The following is some updated
information about the tournament:

1. Soccer tournament: we’ve reserved the TREC turf fields from 10am to 2pm
(2 fields from 10am to 12:30pm and 1 field from 12:30pm to 2pm). According
to TREC policy, we can’t reserve both fields after 12:30pm.
- Time: 10am – 2pm.
- Location: Purdue Turf Recreation Exercise Center (TREC), 355 N. Martin
Jischke Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2030.

- Teams: Purdue, UIUC, Chicago, Michigan, Missouri and “3I” (IIT + IU +
Indy) (totally 6 teams).
- Tournament format: round-robin (league) format. Each game lasts 20
minutes, divided into 2 halves.
- Tournament schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhJMa6iSdNifdElrN09VclF6eUliajFBaGw4c2tMaVE&usp=sharing
(will be updated on Monday night)
- Tournament rules: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7t17_71bbJ0SDNOcTZHR2tFTmM/edit?usp=sharing
(to be updated)

2. Lunch buffet and social event:
- Time: 2:30pm to 6pm.
- Location: North Ball Room – Purdue Memorial Union (PMU) -
101 N Grant St,
West Lafayette, IN 47906.
Free parking at Grant Street Parking Garage:

- Buffet menu: http://www.union.purdue.edu/documents/catering/Lunch.pdf(see
“Old Gold and Black”)
- Price: $$
- Social Event: each team should have at least one performance (singing,
dancing or whatsoever). Other activities can be organized if there is
enough interest, so please feel free to make your suggestions. Also, ff you
want to register for a performance, please contact Quan Nguyen *(
nguyen95@purdue.edu, 765-421-8275*).

Again, any of your opinion and suggestion is very much appreciated. Hope to see
you all at the event!

Phuong TT

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