Monday, January 24, 2005

What do you read first thing in the morning?

Most of us have a few favorite websites that we always visit each day. For instance, after reading email, it's almost second nature for me to check out the weather forecast, Google news, the Chronicle, and Metafilter. But really, these are more general information sites (unless there's an interesting discussion on mefi). I don't get excited about reading them because I'm (mostly) just looking for information. So, who (or what) do I look forward to reading? I usually enjoy reading dooce, wonkette, 11D, Aaron Swartz, and a few others. Of course, I subscribe ton of sites on bloglines, but these are just a few sites that immediately come to mind.

So, what about you? What do you read?


gvcarter said...

Yes, I often times search the weather after reading email... I did this more often when we lived in Arizona, however, as the consistency of conditions there had me curious of what was going on elsewhere...

(In typing this, I recall a webcam in downtown Howell, Michigan that I was fond of visiting as it showed morning traffic and how people were bundled as they walked past a barber shop and diner... living in the Phoenix-area prompting a need for midwest scenes... )

I belong to a Lyotard-Badiou-Deleuze discussion group and that material usually keeps me fairly occupied in terms of response.

Oh, and then there's :-)

9:32 AM

jtirrell said...

I have a tab on Safari called "daily" that opens my daily sites in different tabs. It is usually the first thing I click when I use my browser. The tabs are:

Jerkcity (an interesting webcomic)
Macupdate (A Mac shareware site)
Versiontracker (A Mac shareware site)
The Register (an IT news site)
OS News (An operating system news site)
Slashdot (The grand-daddy of IT news sites)
Games @ Slashdot (Slashdot's video game news site)
Fark (An eccletic linklog)
Macrumors (A Mac rumor site)
Appleinsider (A Mac rumor site)
Macslash (A Mac rumor site)
The Mac Observer (A Mac rumor site)
Spamusement! (webcomic)
Boing Boing (A directory of wonderful things) (Social bookmarks)

Of course, there are many other sites I visit, but these are my standards, and this list continually evolves as my tastes change.

1:31 PM

Marc C. Santos said...

I'll be honest...

I don't really have any sites that I check out everyday. I usually take a stroll through my favorite sports teams, but my daily routines are still tied to the t.v. (two sports programs: Around the Horn and Pardon the Interruption on ESPN, and Letterman for bed time). And while I have a few other T.V. programs I regularly check out, I don't have too many websites that I check up on...


6:34 PM

Jodi said...

Like Marc, I can't say that I spend much time checking out websites on a daily basis. I basicially rely on the web to check finances in my bank account, the weather, class websites. I also like to do the "fun" stuff like check email and chat on instant message with family and friends. However, I always feel guilty when I think I'm spending too much time on the computer. It's part of that mentality that the computer is a toy and part of play. I'm still behind the times a bit I guess and like to read things sitting in a comfortable easy chair or couch.

4:02 PM

juliette said...

Clearly I'm not reading my 680N blog page on a daily basis...otherwise I'd have added a comment sooner......anyway....Like some of the other folks, I don't peruse the pages in the a.m. I don't read the morning paper either. Never have. But I do read Common a lot as well as some other sites for progressives. I also check in on a Friendster-like site which shall remain nameless so as to maintain my other of them. ha ha.

7:21 PM


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