How We Serve

Food kitchen service image

Service is the first of Circle K International's three tenets and the driving force behind our club. We strive to do all we can to help others on our campus, our community, and the world. Purdue Circle K strives to have one service project or more each day. One common service event we hold is helping at the Hanna Center. We work with elementary school children as tutors, mentors, and role models. Another service event we commonly hold is assisting with bingo at the local Veteran's Home; we help remember the service of our nation's veterans while providing the companionship that they need. From regular weekly projects to special one-time projects, there are various opportunities to help change the world with Purdue Circle K. As Boilermakers, we have the time and the energy to do anything we want. We know that through our actions, and through the time we spend serving others, we can improve the lives of those around us. Together, as members of Circle K, we can achieve great things with our time at Purdue University.

Service Events

We are a service organization. We hold many service events including interacting with elementary children at the Hanna Center, assisting with bingo at the Veteran's Home, and even cleaning cages for cats/dogs. Beyond just these three service events mentioned, Circle K has many seasonal or one-off events. Click the button below to sign up for an event specific to you.