SIGGRAPH - Celebrating Computer Graphics SIGGRAPH - Celebrating Computer Graphics

No upcoming events.

Store Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30-11:20 and 1:30-4:20

Interested in volunteering? Email store managers Linda Nolan or Megan Mohler today!


    About Us

    Purdue University ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter is a student chapter of the ACM SIGGRAPH organization, which is an acyronm for Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques. Our chapter is comprised of Purdue students from majors such as Computer Graphics Technology, Computer Science, and Art & Design. We hold various activities each month, centered on celebrating computer graphics through related activities such as discussions, tutorials, social events, and guest speakers. Traditionally our speakers have come from such prestigious companies as Industrial Light + Magic, LucasArts, General Motors, Volition Inc., and Big Idea, Inc.

    What is SIGGRAPH?

    SIGGRAPH is the largest annual computer graphics conference and exhibition in the world, a place where artists, programmers, graphic designers, computer scientists, game developers, and visual effects studios come together to share ideas, display their latest projects, and of course, seek and post job opportunities. It is hosted by the ACM SIGGRAPH organization.


    We are students at the Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana who are interested in computer graphics. The majority of our members come from the College of Technology, College of Engineering, College of Science, and College of Liberal Arts.


    The Purdue University student chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH was chartered on April 29th, 1998. Purdue University ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter evolved from the Purdue Graphics Society. We are proud to be the first student chapter of the professional organization, ACM SIGGRAPH.