SIGGRAPH - Celebrating Computer Graphics SIGGRAPH - Celebrating Computer Graphics

No upcoming events.

Store Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30-11:20 and 1:30-4:20

Interested in volunteering? Email store managers Linda Nolan or Megan Mohler today!


    Become a Volunteer

    We are always in need of more students to help staff the SIGGRAPH Student Store. Normal time commitment is only 1-2 hours per week, and there is a computer with lots of software, stereo and ethernet connection in the store to keep you busy when you are not selling products. Please volunteer for the store, it is our main source of income, and we would not be able to exist without it. We are not able to pay you, but if you are present for your shifts, we will provide you with a free Purdue University ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter membership (no dues!) for the semester you work.