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Purdue University

NSF/TIH PI Meeting and Workshop - Invitation

NSF/TIH PI Meeting and Workshop Invitation


On behalf of the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), we are organizing a meeting and informational session for the U.S. Principal Investigators (PIs) supported by NSF and Indian PIs affiliated with the Technology Innovation Hubs (TIHs) supported by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India under the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems, for the 35 joint research and development projects that are currently underway. We are planning an in-person meeting for all PIs and their graduate students on *May 22-23, 2023 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA*. Please save this date and make plans to join us for an update on projects as well as a variety of important discussions on future collaborations.

The purpose of this meeting is to review the technical status of all 35 funded projects, to examine ways to improve remote collaboration and effectiveness of joint research, and to explore opportunities for enhancing research and collaborations. The anticipated activities that will comprise the two-day event are expected to include:

  • Indian TIH leaders, in partnership with project PIs, will present progress and results of the awarded projects
  • Technical participants and national representatives will discuss possible future mechanisms to enhance US/Indian scientific collaboration
  • Technical exchange sessions will allow US and Indian researchers to explore new future collaborations and plan for future proposals
  • Professional development seminars on maximizing remote collaboration
  • An industry roundtable or expo with matchmaking to explore industry support, technology transfer and medium-term commercialization
  • A graduate student poster session and mixer will give mentees opportunities to develop and present their skills
Please begin discussing with your project partners availability and plans to attend. We are planning that at least one PI and one graduate student will be able to attend from both sides of the ocean for each project. Although travel and lodging costs will need to be borne by the projects, the costs of meals and the program itself for the two-day event will be covered by NSF. While some unavoidable conflicts are sure to arise from the chosen date, we think this event will be valuable for attendees.

We also encourage visiting PIs to drop in on their US colleagues, if the opportunity presents itself.

Workshop Co-Chairs:
Richard Voyles, Purdue University
Nirmalya Roy, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

NSF/TIH PI Meeting and Workshop Registration for Universities

All PIs, US and Indian, please fill this form out, whether attending or not. Also, have any students, post-docs, and co-PIs that are attending fill it out, as well.
Industry participants, please see the Industry Day page.

There is no cost for registration.

Copyright: © 2023 Collaborative Robotics Lab

rvoyles [at] purdue [dot] edu

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-3733